Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Matthew's Birth Story

Matthew was due on July 6th and we were anxiously awaiting his arrival, but he was stubborn and we ended up having to force the little guy to come. I went into the hospital to be induced on Wednesday July 14 at 6:00pm. We got all checked in and they started the inducing process. I was suppose to get two doses of a ripening agent to get me ready to deliver before they started the pitocin at 4:00am on the 15th. They came and put my IV in, only at first they put the IV on the top of my hand- not comfortable at all, I had them move it shortly after. Then they gave me the first dose of the ripening agent, I was having to many little contractions to do a second dose like they were planning, so the Doctor said that we would start the pitocin at midnight. This was not the original plan but I was okay with it, I was not sure what to expect. They told me it would start slow and I would be able to sleep for most of the night. HA HA that was a really funny joke, okay not really funny but I definitely didn't get any sleep. 
So at about 12:15am they started the pitocin to induce labor. They were suppose to come back every 1/2 hour to increase the dose gradually, I didn't see anyone for the next hour and a half, then the Doctor came back to see how I was doing. He was not very happy when he found out they had not been increasing the medication levels. A few minutes later the nurse came in and bumped it up the 3 levels they were suppose to have. Only now it was all at once, not fun. The contractions intensified a ton and then I found out how much it hurts. Everytime they came to increase the meds I wanted to kick the nurse. I didn't of course but I sure thought about it :) At about 3 am they came and checked my progress and I was about 3cm, so we were not even close. 
The contractions were really strong and close together, at one point I didn't even have a break between them. They didn't check me again until about 6 am, at that point they were having a problem getting the monitors to track Matthews heartbeat, so the Doctor decided to put a monitor on his head. I had no idea what they were doing at this point, and Chris was so exhausted because I would not let him leave my side. All of a sudden they broke my water, oh boy did that intensify the contractions! They said I was about 6cm dilated at that point.They started my antibiotics a little while after that. At about 7:15am I told the nurse that I needed to push, she said that I probably wasn't close but she would check. When she checked she found I was 9cm almost 10 but told me I couldn't push yet. That was not the answer I wanted. About that time my Mom showed up, and was shocked because I was almost ready to start pushing. I was so happy to see her, and Chris was relieved also. It took forever to get to 10 cm, I was amazed because of how strong my body was because it was trying to push that baby out and I couldn't stop it. At about 7:40 am the Doctor came in and I started pushing. Matthew was born a little over 20 minutes later at 8:02 am! I was so happy to be done and to see that little baby, and hear him cry, it was a beautiful sound! Then the doctor started pushing on my tummy to deliver the umbilical cord and such. I told him that I was all done hurting the baby was out he needed to stop, he didn't stop. They gave me meds to slow the bleeding because I was loosing blood at a pretty good pace. I just remember watching them clean up my baby, and weigh him, take his footprints. i got to see my parents hold their first Grandchild, my husband hold his brand new baby for the first time. Chris even cut the umbilical cord. There was so much going on and I'm sure this is written very scattered, but I remember it being very scattered. 
In the end I was excited because I did it! I did it with no epidural, I felt like I had in some way proven to myself that I was strong and could do anything. I was also excited for the pain medications that they gave me after I had a few bites of breakfast. They gave me this huge breakfast at about 9am and expected me to be able to eat it which I thought was funny I was still shaking and weak, and exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep, I kept trying to get them to let me take a nap but I didn't get my way. 
The best part was holding that little boy in my arms! Oh how beautiful he was. We had lots of visitors that day and it was fun to see all my family and show off my precious baby boy. He was 7 pounds 8 ounces and 21 inches long. Just perfect!     

I will finish this posting when I get the pictures ready....

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