Monday, October 10, 2011

What to do?

So I wanted to learn to knit and that didn't stick. Not sure why I just didn't get into it, and then everything that I wanted to make was a crochet pattern not a knitting pattern... So now I have a few baby projects that I would love to do but it would involve learning to crochet... I am just not sure if I should try another hobby when I don't even do the ones I have stuff for now? I liked the idea of knitting because it didn't take up much space, and was quiet and seemed like a good thing to do in my down time (instead of stalking blogs, Pinterest, and Facebook - imagine I could actually accomplish something). Crocheting has the same properties from what I can tell and doesn't seem too difficult, is it worth buying some hooks and trying another hobby??

I really need a craft room or something because there are so many projects I would love to do, but trying to pull everything out each time is just not feasible in our current situation. Between Matthew, the Daycare, and this little house I can't start and finish a project without taking it out and putting it away a million times (I am just too lazy/busy for that) That is why I thought to go to knitting, now crocheting, because it is small, quiet, easy to do during nap time since I can't make much noise because of all the light sleepers...  What to do.. maybe I should find someone with some extra hooks I could borrow to learn with? That might be a good compromise for me... any thoughts?


Naomi Jackson said...

I would say go for it! Crocheting is a lot of fun, and because the stitches are generally bigger, it takes much less time to complete a project than knitting. There are only a few basic crocheting stitches to learn, and then you can pretty much do anything with those. Learning how to read patterns isn't difficult either. I just got back into crocheting myself, and I find it very nice to do when Peri is doing her own thing, and there are some really cute things you can make! Especially for baby. Right now Gary and I are working on Christmas hats for everyone. I started last Thursday and already have 2 done! I also think it's much easier to pick up and put down than Knitting, and harder to drop stitches and generally "mess up" I have a set of smaller hooks I'm not really using right now (the hats call for larger hooks) and if you want, I could come over sometime (or you could come over here) and I'd be happy to teach you what you need to know to get started.

Unknown said...

I would love that Naomi! It is always easier to learn from someone. We are fighting off some colds right now, but once we are healthy I would really like to get together.

Naomi Jackson said...

Sounds great! Just let me know!

miriam said...

I've learned to crochet and knit, and while I personally like the look of knitting better, crocheting is much much quicker (and easier to fix any mistakes!)