Monday, April 09, 2012


I was sitting in the library at church yesterday and there was a box that used to hold Luv's Diapers in it. I sat there staring and it hit me, we have not had to buy diapers in what feels like forever! It is so nice to not have to spend so much money every month on them anymore. I then made the comment to Chris that I don't understand why I didn't do this sooner, and I also don't understand why more people do not cloth diaper.
His response was pretty simple, because it seems daunting and intimidating. It was at first, I did a lot of research and talked to a lot of people about the different ways to cloth diaper, there are so many choices out there. But now, now that I figured it out, I think everyone should try it! Especially on a tight budget or if you have multiple kids in diapers.
We have settled into a nice little routine, we use cloth wipes, I do diaper laundry every other day which has actually helped me keep up on all our other laundry. This would however be impossible without your own washer and dryer. Seriously though, if you are reading this, and want any information about cloth diapering I think I have been bitten by the cloth diaper bug. I would love to help you, I now understand why this becomes such an exciting thing to share. It is because it is not that hard, and it is super duper helpful budget wise.


Fayetta said...

Do they still make diaper pins?

Unknown said...

Yes they do, but we have something called Snappies when we need to secure them.