As children tend to do, mine is taking his sweet time to come into the world. In order to help him on his way we have been scheduled to go into the hospital on Wednesday the 14th and will be induced very early Thursday July 15th. I am very excited to know that by the end of the week I will be able to hold this little boy in my arms. His daddy is pretty excited too, currently he has been rushing trying to get ahead on his schoolwork so that he doesn't miss any assignments during the first few days of this little guys life.
I have to be honest that even with this big belly of mine I'm still not sure I completely believe that there is a little person in there. It just seems surreal, I would have thought that it would seem the most real now... I don't think it will be real to me until they put that precious baby in my arms. I have been really happy through the whole pregnancy process, it has brought Chris and I closer together and I feel closer to my Heavenly Father also. I had to laugh at myself because during our birth class every video they showed of a baby being delivered I started crying. It was so silly, but it is beautiful to see, and what an honor to be able to bring a new life into the world!
I am very excited to be parents and to begin this new stage in life. I know there will be challenges that I cannot comprehend at this time, but life is an adventure and I know that we will be successful. We have a very supportive network of family and friends and I am very thankful to know that they are there to help us through this wonderful new adventure.
Anyways we will have pictures up of the little boy soon, and hopefully we will even be able to decide on a name!