Monday, May 16, 2011

10 Months and Pea Crazy

So I have not taken a 10 month picture, he just turned 10 months yesterday, maybe tomorrow I will be able to get a picture. The last few days all he eats out of his dinner is peas, he pokes everything else, and then just eats the peas. I think it is funny because he used to eat everything but now unless it is green and round (lima beans are okay too) he won't eat it. What a funny boy we have!


Tisa said...

Levi likes to POP the peas. will not even eat them lol however they are my favorite :) Mathew is getting so big now what a cutie.

Unknown said...

He is so big, not so much a baby anymore either... he is almost a toddler, at least he has the fit part down and is almost walking. He is a wonderful little boy and so much fun to play with!