Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Scale... yuck...

Now that baby girl is here, I have been trying to figure out how I can be more successful about loosing baby weight and just plain improving my health. It is a difficult task in general, but a unique challenge when breast feeding because I really should not be dieting. I assure you in general I am not a "dieter" I believe most of them are bad for your body and do not have the long term success that I am looking for.

So for me this is just a continuation of a lifestyle change. We are eating more whole foods, and have cut out a bunch of excess meats. I still have a long way to go, however my son loves veggies and fruit so we are doing something right so far.

I found a website called babyfit, they have a meal planner/food journal, exercise, and weight tracker among many other helpful things to motivate and inspire success and the big bonus is that it is FREE! They help make sure you are getting enough calories in the right area to stay healthy and make sure baby is getting what she needs also. This way I will not worry that I am hurting my body with the weight I loose, I will know that I am getting what I need to BF.

So I guess I am going to have to break down and go buy a scale. I have refused to buy one since I moved out of my parents house, so the only place I ever get weighed is at the doctors. However I think it may help motivate me to exercise regularly, and to take better care of myself. I will also have to be brave and take a before picture, and I might try to take monthly pictures so that I can see progress being made as I go.

I still have recovery time from baby girl (she is not even 2 weeks old yet), and a move coming up, but just about the time we are leaving Pullman I will be able to start exercising (more than just walking) however, I can start the food makeover now. I do believe the best way to take off weight and be healthy is through lifestyle change, it needs to be change that can be maintained and become normal. Slow and steady change lasts longer.

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