Some days and times in life seem really hard, and I think it is really hard for us right now. I am not trying to complain but I really need to vent, so bare with me.
We have a lot going on, Chris is starting his whole interview process which involves well money, time, and stress. The end results will be good I know, but it is hard for us. We are having to spend so much money that we really don't have to spend in order to get him to these interviews.
To go along with money, we are loosing one of the kids already in a week and a half. He was a BIG chunk of our income so this is going to hurt. He is too young to have when the baby comes though, and we let them know so that they would have time to find someplace, his age group is really hard to find spots for in this area. They found a spot a little earlier than we were hoping, so we have a huge drop in income on top of all the money being spent getting Chris to interviews.
Now not only am I loosing that income for the business but I am still going to be tied to the house 10 hours a day five days a week but am going to be making even less money.
More business decisions have to be made also, because we found out our lease is up at the end of May, instead of mid to late June like we thought. So that really throws the when to close question up a little further. This would not be as much of a question except that there is a new set of childcare licensing rules that go into effect in the beginning of April. We are going to have to spend time and money in order to meet the new law, but is it worth it when we are going to be closing at the latest in Mid May? To go along with this we have baby girl due in mid April. I am not going to lie, it would be much easier on me if I didn't have to worry about the daycare when baby comes. We are just trying to figure out if it is worth all the extra stress for the little bit of money we may get. The real issue here is that once we decide on a close date we could loose all the kids early like we lost the first one. How will we survive? How will we pay for a move?
So I have all that hanging over my head all day, this makes the little frustrations of my day seem so much more stressful. So there is nothing really terrible going on, the kids are just being kids, I am just at the end of my rope stress wise which kills my patience and makes me react too quickly to little things which don't really matter. My frustration really kicked into high gear today because Matthew took a super short nap, which meant I only got a 15 minute break, during which I was trying to get stuff done for Chris's trip, and since Chris has to head out to Spokane it is going to be a long evening too. See it is a silly little thing, but so frustrating that I almost broke into tears.I'm sure pregnancy hormones are not helping me relax any, and are probably a big factor in my ability to handle everything going on.
What I really need is someone to figure out how to handle the timing of the business closing, taking into account the factors I mentioned. We also need to figure out where we are going to be moving so I can start working on the new business plans for after we move, we are hoping to restructure and run a preschool instead of a daycare so that I can still teach but not be tied down for so long each day. 50+ hour weeks are really hard on me, and that is when I only have Matthew after work to worry about, now I have 2 kids to consider.
Anyways there it is the source of most of my stress, there is why I am tired, grouchy, and frustrated over silly things like toy buckets being dumped, whiny kids, dishes, short naps, children spitting, potty training, messes, laundry, packing, dinner....
Oh well I will feel better tomorrow, except I will be worrying all day about Chris flying across the country and making it safely to his interview in Indiana.