Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Now I'm Excited!

I can't sleep tonight which stinks, I slept for maybe an hour so far and have spent much much longer trying to sleep. This has been a problem throughout this pregnancy, just another reason I am glad that today marks 35 weeks! Almost there :) I will be tired, I will ice and heat my neck and shoulder like crazy because that is part of what is keeping me up, it is so sore, and Tylenol just doesn't cut it.

On a better note I am now very excited for the move coming up. We have the house we wanted (99% sure, just getting details nailed down)! This is such a huge load off my mind, I have been super stressed and we have been trying to figure out how to go back to Forest Grove to look at houses and talk to people but we just don't have time. The places that we called about renting and running a business all said no without considering it, so this house is a huge blessing.

Not only are the owners awesome, they lowered the rent for us (for the first two years while tuition is sky high), they are holding the house for us, and they are just fine with our business plans. We know without a doubt that Heavenly Father is looking out for us. This is the hardest most stressful move we have had to plan, however each step of the way (after we sweat it out for a little while) we are being blessed.

A list of recent huge blessings:

1. Chris got into his first choice school, even after submitting his application after the priority deadline.
2. We don't have to move to Indiana!
3. Matthew is healthy, learning, and growing.
4. I am healthy and baby girl seems healthy.
5. We found a house in Forest Grove that will meet our needs and is really nice (bonus!)
6. We get to be closer to family soon.

I'm sure there are many many more but it is 3:30 in the morning, and I am hoping to be able to get some sleep soon. It is going to be a LONG day tomorrow with no sleep, oh well I have managed many times before.

I am excited to be making plans, thinking of what we will need and won't need. Right now we have talked about getting rid of our space heaters, and window air conditioner. I am sure there is going to be more though. We also need some different things though, like area rugs because it is all hardwood which is great but I think we need rugs for the kids rooms, and living room at least.
I am relieved and excited, now I can relax for the next little while, now I feel like we can start making real plans and be ready for the move!

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