Friday, February 24, 2012


This came with Chris's admission letter to Pacific University and I thought it was pretty neat. He will think I am crazy for posting it, but then he already thinks I am crazy so why not? I am allowed to be proud of my husband and his accomplishments right?

We sent in the deposit to Pacific University yesterday, he was going to call and make sure his seat is secure before he turns down Indiana. However, it is super exciting to know where we will be moving! I am very glad I went with him for his interview so I have at least spent a weekend where we are going to be moving in just a few short months.

I am trying to get prepared for this baby girl, which is very hard to do when we are in transition. Moving right after having a baby is really no fun, we did this with Matthew too, and the timing is just not ideal. However I have made a few decisions for her. The first being that I am going to cloth diaper from the beginning. I have been going back and forth on what my plan was, mostly because I have had such a hard time getting into the habit with Matthew. I always seem to resort back to disposables for one reason or another. However budget wise I am committing to cloth. I am hoping to order some of the Thirties Duo Wrap Covers:
I will use these with some fitted diapers and prefold diapers. These should fit her from birth to about 18lbs (unless she has really chunky legs). Then we will switch to the flip system that I have been using with Matthew. I am now planning to get 6 assorted colors, 3 fitted cloth, 2 hemp prefolds, and 2 bamboo inserts for about $160.00. I will just need to either make some more fitted cloth, or buy some prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers. I know I am also getting some cloth diaper supplies from one of my friends for my baby shower, that will help a ton. It will be nice to have to buy minimal disposable diapers for this little girl. If I spend around $200.00 diapering her for the next 6-12 months that is not bad, when you consider the cost of disposable diapers. I am sure we spent way more than that diapering Matthew in his first 6 months.
Other than that we are going to have her in our room in a cradle until we move, after we move hopefully we will switch her to the crib in her own room. That will be decided depending on how well she is sleeping, and the place we end of living.
Yup that is what I know so far... we are hoping to have our housing, financial, and moving plan figured out before she comes. It is kinda tough currently. We have to wait to figure out how much financial aid we are getting from the school, and then make the rest of our plan from there. It is hard no knowing.

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