Monday, February 27, 2012

Hiding Diapers

I have made a resolve to start cloth almost exclusively beginning today. So far it has gone great :) Yup I have made it a whole 5 hours!

I washed and stripped Matthews cloth diapers last night because they were stinky and it needed to be done before we started using them again.

After that was done I took one of his diaper boxes cut the front and top off to make a nice, easily accessible and organizable area just for cloth diapers. This will help a ton because all the supplies are organized and in one place right by the changing table (which is on top of our dryer so finding a place to keep them was a challenge), I will know when we are getting low and need to start laundry, Chris will always know where to find the diapers also.

Today I am going to make a washing guide for the diapers so that Chris and anyone else who decides to help me wash the diapers will know exactly what to do. Diapers are surprisingly finicky to wash right.

The last step: Hiding the disposables. Now mind you I know exactly where they are, but they are not in the bathroom, they are not in his diaper bag, they are not easily accessible. I have them when I need them because sometimes you just need disposable diapers, but they are out of sight out of mind! 

On another note: My poor boy is sick today :(

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